Regional violin making from the 19th to the 20th century - Piedmont

Francesco Pressenda (1777-1854), followed by Giuseppe and Enrico Rocca (1807-1865) acquired the inheritance of the Guadagnini family.

Annibale Fagnola (1865-1939) worked in Turin at the end of the 19th century, in the Marengo-Rinaldi workshop. At the same time, Carlo Oddone, Enrico Marchetti, Benedetto Gioffredo known as “Rinaldi” and the brothers Enrico Clodoveo and Pietro Melegari also worked in Turin. The Turin school continued with Plinio Michetti, Bruno Carlo Colombo, Anselmo Curletto, Silvio Tua, Arnaldo Morano and Evasio Emilio Guerra.

Pietro Gallinotti worked in Solero and Chiarissimo Bondanelli in Novara.