Regional violin making from the 19th to the 20th century - Liguria

In the second half of the 19th century, Nicolò Bianchi (1803-1880) was working in Genova with his student Eugenio Praga, the self-taught Erminio Montefiori and Enrico Rocca (1847-1915) from Turin. Oreste Candi (1865-1938), a student of Giuseppe Fiorini in Bologna, moved to Genova in 1886, joined two years later by his brother Cesare. 

Paolo De Barbieri, Giuseppe Lecchi and Andrea Cortese were all students of Cesare Candi. Lorenzo Bellafontana was a student of Oreste Candi.

Giuseppe Castagnino, a student of Giuseppe Fiorini, and Mario Lazzarini worked in Genova. Giovanni Battista Gaibisso worked in Alassio.