Regional violin making from the 19th to the 20th century - Lazio

In the second half of the 19th century, Eugenio Politi (1853-1909) worked in Rome, a student of Giuseppe and Enrico Ceruti in Cremona. His sons Ferdinando and Enrico worked in Roma and then in Turin. 

Simone Ferdinando Sacconi, who worked in Rome up to 1935 when he had no choice but to emigrate to the United States, was highly significant in the violin making field in Lazio.

In Rome Giuseppe Rossi (1869-1954) also worked, as well as Count Adolfo Fredi, Biagio Caruana Marsigliese, Giasone Tomasucci, Domenico Tomassini, Rodolfo Paralupi, Teresia Toth, Gioacchino Pasqualini, Fausto Maria Bertucci, Aurelio Aureli, Paolo Leonori, Giuseppe Ferrari, Giuseppe Sgarbi and his son Antonio.

In the second half of the 20th century, Giuseppe Lucci, originally from Romagna, worked in Rome as well as Olvino Domini and Giorgio Corsini.